Serious Sam 3 Bfe Weapons
This is a crazy version of Serious Sam 3: BFE. This mod features modified weapons and enemies. Now with new skins! If you felt lack of action in SS3 - you definitely should check it out. Serious Sam 3: BFE is a first-person action shooter, a glorious throwback to the golden age of first-person shooters where men were men, cover was for amateurs and pulling the trigger made things go boom. Endnote 8 download.
THE FIRST MOD FOR THE SERIOUS SAM 3! This is a crazy version of Serious Sam 3: BFE.

This mod features modified weapons and enemies. Now with new skins! If you felt lack of action in SS3 - you definitely should check it out. MAIN PROGRESS = 100.00% What's new? Monsters: Rocketman = +15 DMG, +5 HP, +0.025 stretch, new gun, new sound, new skin.
Soldier = +14 DMG, +9 HP, new gun, new sound, new skin. Soldier RifleMan = +9 DMG, +9 HP, new gun, new sound, new skin. Spider Small = +4 HP, +7 DMG, +2 Melee DMG, -0.05 stretch, 2x speed, new projectille, new sound, new skin. Arachnoid Soldier = +60 HP, 2X DMG, 2x speed, +0.6 stretch, new gun, new sound, new skin. Arachnoid General = +50 HP, +4 DMG, -0.55 stretch, new projectille, new sound, new skin.
Gnaar = +60 HP, +10.5 DMG, +0.4 stretch, +4.8 speed, 2x kick impulse, new skin. Kamikaze = +31 HP, +0.425 stretch, new sound, new skin. Khnum = +500 HP, +30 DMG, new projectille, new skin.

CaveDemon = +14 HP, +4 DMG, +0.5 stretch, new skin. Harpy = x10 DMG (BOMBS), +25 HP, +0.06 stetch, new projectille, new skin. Kleer = 2X DMG, +25 HP, new projectille, new skin. PsyKick = Just 2x stretch, new skin. ScrapJack = +10 DMG, +250 HP, +0.5 stretch, new projectille, new sound, new skin.
Spider = +10 DMG, +20 HP, new projectille, new skin. Walker Blue = +50 HP, new projectille, new sound, new skin.
Walker Red = +250 HP, +0.2 stretch, new projectille, new sound, new skin. Werebull = +150 HP, +0.3 stretch, a bit faster, new skin. Technopolip = +15 DMG, new projectille, new skin.
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Ughzan = New skin. Weapons: Pistol (Uzi:D) = Auto fire, -0.09 recoil time, 2x ammo, new sound. AssaultRifle = Physical bullets, 2x DMG, +0.02 recoil time, -10 ammo new sound. SingleShotgun = Electro Bullets, +17 DMG, -4 ammo, new sound.
Serious Sam 3 Bfe Vr
Minigun = Physical bullet, 2x DMG, 2x fire speed, increased bullet speed, new sound. DoubleShotgun = +4 bullet, it now BOOM STICK!, new sound.
RocketLauncher = +25 DMG, new projectille, new sound. Cannon = 2X DMG, new projectille, new sound. StickyBomb = MoreDamage AutoShotgun = +74 DMG, new projectile, new sound. Cara print label undangan.
Sniper = +600 DMG (LIKE A RAILGUN), 12x zoom, new sound. Laser = +90 DMG, new projectille, new sound. PLUS • Every weapon after pickup have 10x ammo (like sniper BEFORE = 5, AFTER = 50)] • X10 TOTAL AMMO • New campaign 'Prehistory of the Serious Sam'.
Today a new version of my mod was released. The main feature is a new campaign 'Prehistory of the Serious Sam'. So, a few words about the campaign and it's development. In the beginning of creating levels I hadn't main plot of the campaign. Time was running. The first level was almost done. And only then I seriously thought about the plot.
Serious Sam 3 Bfe All Weapons
And when I thought, everything (to my surprise) stepped in logical sequence. And because of that I called my campaign 'The prehistory of Serious Sam' (truly there nothing is said about how Nectrisa was implanted in Sam). I wanna warn you: campaign levels are in 'CRAZY' category. (I didn't mind about new category with campaign level, but I will fix it in next versions of mod).